2020 | Canada | Documentary

She Walks with Apes

  • English - 86 mins
  • Director | Caitlin Starowicz, Mark Starowicz
  • Writer | Caitlin Starowicz, Mark Starowicz
  • Producer | " Caitlin Starowicz, Mark Starowicz, George Flak"

STATUS: Released

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Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas, nicknamed the “Trimates”, are the authors of essential research on gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans. Three young scientists follow in their footsteps.

The findings and determination of the three primatologists are remarkable. It is no wonder these women have become a great inspiration for future generations. The film follows Julia, Nadia, and Ruth to Indonesia, Rwanda, and Uganda. The field footage explores the world of apes and shows how the primatologists conduct their research. The commentary of Goodall and Galdikas themselves accompanies the film. It is not just a portrait of a scientific expedition, but a testimony to the work of strong women scientists.

Commentary Research Gorillas