2020 | Japan, U.S.A | Documentary

Seishin 0 (Zero)

  • Japanese English 128 mins
  • Director | Kazuhiro Soda
  • Producer | Kiyoko Kashiwagi, Kazuhiro Soda

This film is currently not available.   

Dr. Yamamoto is a psychiatrist, 82 years old and about to give up his practice. In the sixties, he fought for closed psychiatric institutions to open their doors; the film Seishin, also by Kazuhiro Soda (Berlinale Forum 2008), centred on his achievements in life. This serves as the jumping off point for Seishin 0: Dr. Yamamoto receives his patients for the last time, the camera watches patiently, recording the smallest movements and gestures, the worries, the silences, the sadness and the solace. After the practice has closed, the film shifts its focus to the relationship between Mr. Yamamoto and his wife, who is suffering from dementia. His loving patience remains the most striking element; it makes the film into a document of a humanism that frees itself of any trace of sentimentality as it observes shortcomings, weakness and mental decline with ever greater precision, grasping them in tandem as simply part of human existence.

psychiatrist psychiatric achievement life patient relationship suffer dementia humanism