2021 | United States | Documentary

Secrets of the Whales Episode 1: Orca Dynasty

  • English English 49 mins
  • Director | Brian Armstrong, Andy Mitchell
  • Writer | Brian Armstrong, Andy Mitchell
  • Producer | James Cameron, Maria Wilhelm, Shannon Malone-Debenedictis, Kevin Krug, Sam LeGrys

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Orcas across the globe use unique strategies to stay on top of the food chain. Patagonia's whales catch sea lions off the beach, New Zealand's orcas root out hidden stingrays, and Norway's sea giants master the tail slap. Witness five powerful orca matriarchs pass down their family hunting traditions to the next generation, preserving their way of life before the customs are lost forever.

Orca Behavior Whale Culture Marine Biology Animal Communication Matriarchal Societies