2022 | France | Documentary

Searching for Planet 9

  • - - 55 mins
  • Director | Florence Tran
  • Writer | Florence Tran, Cécile Dumas
  • Producer | Vincent Gaullier

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In the depths of our solar system, a giant planet would be hidden. This planet would be five times more massive than the Earth and so far from the Sun that it would take 10,000 years to orbit the star. Teams of astronomers have been tirelessly tracking this mysterious planet for several years. What clues and discoveries allow them to hypothesise its existence ? Why is it so difficult to detect ?
This celestial object is nicknamed Planet 9 because, since Pluto’s demotion to a dwarf planet in 2006 it’s no longer the ninth planet in the system.
This film-investigation reveals how this fascinating research carries even more issues: by exploring these largely unknown territories, thousands of objects are revealed, forcing us to reconsider the richness of our solar system. And to deeply modify the vision we have of it and of the story of its formation.

solar system planet Sun astronomers formation