2023 | China | Short

乱码城市’ (Random Access)

  • - - 14 mins
  • Director | He Zike
  • Writer | He Zike
  • Producer | Woody WANG

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

On the second day after the city’s central data center unexpectedly crashes and reboots, the server keeper meets the cloud system in a disordered digital world where they become a passenger and a woman who is a retired taxi driver. They drive through the city, get lost, and try to locate themselves. Meanwhile, they also recall the ocean that covered this continent hundreds of millions of years ago, with a shell fossil that can track ancient memories and a pulsar star that guides the direction in the depths of the universe, as if they’re traveling and entering fragments of memories stored in the Cloud, or a wider version of themselves. Finally, they reach the end of the road and find themselves in another memory of a stone beach that is going to sink under the water soon after the hydropower station dam is built. Gradually, they also recall each other’s forgotten memories, like they were not really strangers.

Sci-Fi Narrative Digital World Exploration Virtual Journey