2023 | Czech Republic | Documentary

Radost z myšlení (The Joy of Thinking)

  • English - 52 mins
  • Director | Tomas Skrdlant
  • Writer | Tomas Skrdlant
  • Producer | Martina Šantavá, Jan Krása

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

The documentary film presents the personality of the philosopher, biologist and mystic Zdenek Neubauer, whom Václav Havel once described as the most special thing he had ever seen in his life. Zdeněk Neubauer had peculiar views on science, he walked everywhere barefoot and often in a hermit's hood. A radical thinker worthy of being addressed as "master", a controversial personality, for some a dilettante and a fool. It's all kind of true. The film contains memories and, above all, materials that documentarian Tomáš Škrdlant together with Zdenek Neubauer filmed for fifteen years. This is how the life story of an unusual person unfolds, who honestly managed to enjoy learning about the world. This was a really unmissable personality, which this picture allows us to get to know more closely.

Philosophy Philosopher Personal Story