2009 | France, United Kingdom | Documentary

Quand les Egyptiens naviguaient sur la mer Rouge (When the Egyptians Sailed on the Red Sea)

  • French, English - 93 mins
  • Director | Stéphane Begoin
  • Writer | Stéphane Bégoin, Flore Kosinetz
  • Producer | Valérie Abita, John Farren, Chris Hilton, Élisabeth Perez, Carol Sennett

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

An archaeologist discovered bas-reliefs in Luxor that recount how five ships of Pharaoh Hatshepsut—circa 1500 BCE—managed to reach the distant land of Punt. A team, aboard a reconstructed ship, retraces the journey to locate this mythical land and prove that the Egyptians were indeed a seafaring people.

Documentary Archaeology Ancient Egypt Exploration Hatshepsut Maritime History