2024 | Japan | Experimental

Project_y: Working Title

  • Japanese - 90 mins
  • Director | Yuzo Sugano, Shingo Yoshimura, Toshiki Sakamoto, Taro Hirai
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

A true ghost story told by a person who calls himself Ý.
It is said that if you hear it, you will be cursed.
It was about an investigation that attempted to uncover the true meaning of common urban legends about personal responsibility.
A sinister presence lurks there .
This project reconstructs these interview records as 360° videos,
It was produced and developed as interactive content using live-action VR.

Horror Psychological Thriller Urban Legends Sinister VR Responsibility Cursed Investigation Attempt Presence Project Reconstructs Interview Records