2023 | United States | Documentary

Project 02

  • - - 66 mins
  • Director | Adam Diller
  • Writer | Adam Diller
  • Producer | Adam Diller

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Google is one of the biggest technology players in the world. The Internet seems invisible to us, but a complex technological background is hidden behind it. However, some can have a negative impact on the environment. Google's huge data center collects information, but its operation requires a large amount of energy from power plants, which are often built at the expense of the environment in the given location. As we have accelerated our human world, we are dampening the natural one. Animals accustomed for generations to use the Columbia River in the cycle of their lives are now threatened as the dam's power generation disrupts their existence. Is the solution to tear down the dam?

Technology Environmental Impact Environmental