2023 | Czech Republic | Documentary

Praise me!

  • Czech - 55 mins
  • Director | Eva Tomanová
  • Writer | Eva Tomanová
  • Producer | Kateřina Ondřejková

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Each of us longs for recognition and respect from others. But the stories of the four heroes show what happens when it becomes the main essence of a happy and fulfilled life. Where does the motivation come from to pursue ideals that often have little to do with reality? The main theme of the documentary is our own self-worth, which we form over the course of our lives. It is influenced by a number of factors, the most critical period being our childhood and adolescence. The relationships between parents and children and the demands that parents have on children are one of the important topics of the document. The documentary chronicles the treacherous path to achieving ideals, on which it is very easy to get lost. At what cost are we able to fulfill our ideals? What are we willing to sacrifice for it?

Documentary Psychology Self-worth Motivation