2023 | United States | Short

Possum (2023)

  • English - 15 mins
  • Director | Daisy Rosato
  • Writer | Sophie Sagan-Gutherz
  • Producer | Jackie Monoson

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Artist resident PINECONE commits theriocide [killing a non-human animal by a human] when he loses his mind and hacks a possum to death. In true slasher film fashion, the possum’s demise is both gruesome and entertaining. A shameful Pinecone brings the corpse to the other residents. Supported by snappy editing and camera whips, the residents process what to do with the kill and how to punish Pinecone. Through unanimity, and sidebars into the politics of class, gender, and disability, the residents come to a shocking conclusion.

Dark Comedy Slasher Satire Art Residency Class Politics