2024 | Australia | Documentary

Poslední šance na záchranu života (Last Chance to Save a Life)

  • English - 52 mins
  • Director | Emma Watts
  • Writer | Emma Watts
  • Producer | Anna Mantzoros, Sonya Pemberton

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Can you imagine a world without antibiotics? We are currently threatened by deadly infections that can resist antibiotics. But scientists have found an unconventional way to fight them - viruses. Three patients, three diseases, but only one last chance for salvation. Phage therapy uses viruses that find dangerous bacteria in the body and kill them. For now, this is only an experimental process and carries many risks, but in the future it could stop the threat that resistant bacteria pose to humanity. In the thrilling documentary, we follow patients, scientists and doctors on their journey to uncover the secrets of a 100-year-old treatment. Can human life save an organism that lives in polluted water?

Medicine Science Antibiotics