2022 | Czech Republic | Documentary

Podmanivá koróna (The Breathtaking Corona)

  • Czech - 26 mins
  • Director | Jonáš Jirovský
  • Writer | Jonáš Jirovský
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

A total solar eclipse. It occurs when the Moon covers the entire Sun from our perspective. And thus we can see the corona, the outline that opens up countless secrets related to the Sun and other phenomena in the universe. Thanks to the corona, we have discovered new elements or learned more about solar flares. Why is the corona so fascinating for scientists and travelers and why is a total solar eclipse such an incredible experience? Experts and experienced travelers will tell you about it. Come discover the beauty of eclipses and the solar corona.

Short Film Documentary COVID-19 Pandemic Czech Republic 2022