2023 | Chile | Documentary,Short

Physical Beauty - Main Characters

  • Spanish - 23 mins
  • Director | Rosario Jiménez-Gili
  • Writer | Susana Quiroz
  • Producer | Gaston Chedufau

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PHYSICAL BEAUTY highlights the life and work of unknown scientist. These women are four "hidden stars" of astronomy, not fairly recognized through history, despite their remarcable discoveries:
In about 70 more years, some may witness the third sighting of comet 35P/Herschel–Rigollet. It passes Earth every 200 years, and was sighted for the first time in 1788 by a woman who,without having much hope of going far, reached the stars.
Is it possible to measure the size of the universe?
Henrietta Swan Leavitt was the astronomer who allowed us, without the need for measuring tape of colossal dimensions, to know the distances that exist in the cosmos.
Do you have any idea what stars are made of?
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin was the astronomer who discovered their main components. Her discovery led her to confront a society that believed her discovery was rather… Crazy
In 1967, british scientist Jocelyn Bell observed signals pulsing in space. Their origin was an absolute mystery.
She called them pulsars. It was one of the most important astronomical milestones of the 20th century.
It caused great controversies, and questioned the then-known universe.

astronomy universe mystery scientist documentary short film history Earth dimension cosmos