2020 | Czech Republic | Documentary,Experimental,Feature

Personal Life of a Hole

  • - - 1 mins
  • Director | Ondřej Vavrečka
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Alžběta Janáčková

This film is currently not available.   

"Personal Life of a Hole" relates to the current situation of (western) people. We live in the hole of time and we share the hole of nonsense. We work in the hole of salary. Our memory ends in the hole of forgetting. There is the harmfull ozone hole. There is the inexplicable black hole. Atoms are more empty then full, they are full of holes. There are holes full of trash and holes full of coal in the ground. There is a hole in our heart when we lose our lover. A window is a hole in the wall. And there is also a hole in the film "Personal Life of a Hole". Holy hole, what to do with all these holes? The film responds to contemporary issues of ecology, economics, culture, and – finally – love, too.

ecology economics culture ozone hole coal love