2022 | Ukraine | Short

Peace and Tranquility

  • Ukrainian, English Ukrainian, English 11 mins
  • Director | Anatoliy Tatarenko, Myro Klochko
  • Writer | Andrii Bondarenko
  • Producer | Noa Birksted-Breen

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

When Russian troops were entering Ukraine, the famous playwright Andriy Bondarenko wrote a play about life interrupted by the war. He focuses on his family’s life. The peace and tranquility which the author knew since childhood are succeeded by historical trauma, revolutions the war. And now, as an adult, Andriy faces a threat witnessed by the previous generations of his family. These thoughts were embodied in a single-act play written in response to the events that were unfolding.

Documentary War Ukraine Memory Resistance Play Adaptation Russian Invasion Family History Artistic Expression