2024 | Brazil | Fiction

Parque De Diversões (Amusement Park)

  • Portuguese English, French 72 mins
  • Director | Ricardo Alves Jr.
  • Writer | Germano Melo
  • Producer | Ricardo Alves Jr, Julia Alves

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Nighttime glow of the city. Individuals hug the walls, casting furtive glances here and there before discreetly crossing the gates of a park. Forceful entry, guitar riffs. In this amusement park, an urban hererotopia where only playful pleasures reign, Ricardo Alves Jr stages a night of gay cruising, terribly sensual, entirely punctuated by games of glances and carnal exchanges. The camera slides, flows between the trees and the attractions bathed in pink and blue, to follow the movement of the anonymous silhouettes. Few words, but fluids exchanged as the encounters follow one another during the film but which we imagine to be simultaneous. Observe, slide a hand, a tongue, kiss, and go see elsewhere. In this hot and humid night where sight is precious, a blind man is offered the complicit story of the scenes taking place around him, before being in turn subjected to the caresses of a man. No need to see to participate in this great orgy, where only flesh and desire count. Raw sex and pleasure are shown without shame by the director who plays with fantasies and fetishes with amusement. The thrusts do not prevent bursts of laughter, on the contrary, they provoke them. And here is sex reduced to its pure power of play and invention. Because as it is said at the beginning of the film, "Breaking the toy is playing even more. The pieces become other games: we will build another secret. The fragments become other realities."

Nightlife Experimental Documentary Amusement Park Silhouettes Realities Secret Games Fantasies