Our Resilient Genome is a short science animation that tells the story of our DNA, how it is constantly breaking and rebuilding over and over again to keep us alive, and provides a glimpse into the fascinating world of cellular biology.
This work has been carried out within the PhysioIllustration project and is funded by NFR (project #218023), The Bergen University Fund (Universitetsfondet), and BEK/ Bergen senter for elektronisk kunst bek.no
Project Web Page: ii.uib.no/vis/projects/physioillustration/research/our-resilient-genome.html
Director, Animator, Writer: Alexandra Pina Kingman
Voice Actors: Eamonn O'Connell & Sarah Blowers
Music: Bird (https://vimeo.com/birdmusic)
Contributors and Scientific Advisors:
Anne-Kristin Stavrum (UiB, Bioinformatikk)
Ivan Viola (UiB & TUWien)
Mathias Ziegler (UiB, MolBiologi)
Valérie Schreiber (CNRS)
Helwig Hauser (UiB, Informatikk, Visualiseringsgruppen)
Visualization Group, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen