1994 | France | Animation,Documentary

Once Upon a Time... The Discoverers

  • English - 104 mins
  • Director | Albert BarillĂ©
  • Writer | Albert BarillĂ©
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Four episodes of the iconic animated series demonstrate how to introduce prominent figures in science to children comprehensively. This is also for adults as they can reminisce about their first encounter with the stories.

The series, marking its 30th anniversary this year, presents this historical context in an engaging manner. The Chinese, our Ancestors reminds us that Europe had a lot of catching up to do with China. Archimedes and the Greek cements that without antiquity, there would be no modern science. The topic of the influence of the Church over science is prominent in the story of Galileo Galilei, and the program concludes on a high note—Albert Einstein. Remember too that the creator of the series, Albert Barillé, received the Award for Contribution to the Popularization of Science at AFO42.

Science Children Adults