2024 | Mexico | Short

Niño halcón duerme entre visiones de un incendio

  • Spanish English 18 mins
  • Director | Mauricio Sáenz-Cánovas
  • Writer | Mauricio Sáenz-Cánovas
  • Producer | Belén Olalde

STATUS: In Distribution

This film is currently not available.   

The hawk boy believes he has the power in his eyes to be enlightened. His transfiguration into a bird of prey leads him to fly over a burning territory in search of carrion for the pack. In his attempt to please the clan, the predator gets so close to the fire that he thinks he has gone blind, or has he entered a dream in which he is vanishing within the smoke?

Kamikaze bird that has embarked on a journey to a savage place of no return. A representation of the state of overflowing violence brought from drug trafficking through the oneiric vision of a marginal teenager recruited by a cartel.

Fantasy Drama Coming-of-Age Magical Realism