2023 | Great Brittain | Documentary

Natura Europa - Aux Sources De La Nature (Natura Europa - At the Sources of Nature)

  • German, French - 42 mins
  • Director | Jan Haft
  • Writer | Jan Haft
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

What do so-called "wild" natural landscapes look like? Is human activity necessary to preserve some of these spaces or should we give free rein to the different plant and animal species that populate these environments? By giving a voice to those who work closely with these natural habitats in Norway, Denmark or Germany, the documentary attempts to provide some answers to these vast questions. The interviews with professionals, interspersed with sometimes astonishing images of animal life, lead us to question the very definition of wild nature and to wonder if this nature still exists in Europe. This film thus gives pride of place to many species and the interactions they weave between them: white-tailed pigardes, grey herons, water buffalo, co-evolution between grasses and ruminants, bees, interdependence between large herbivores, insects and plants.

Wild Nature Ecosystem Conservation Wildlife Interactions European Landscapes Biodiversity Preservation