2023 | Czech Republic | Documentary

Naslouchat lesu (Hearing the Forests)

  • - - 53 mins
  • Director | Karel Svoboda
  • Writer | Karel Svoboda, Lucie Svobodová
  • Producer | Tereza Podlipná

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Management in Czech forests is constantly changing. The forest can be managed using nature itself and in a sustainable way. How to approach Czech forests in such a way as to preserve their diversity and at the same time make maximum economic use of them? Milan Hron is one of those who have been trying to do something like this for a long time. Together with other experts, they take care of forests not only with the help of persistent work, but also with important changes in legislation. It is necessary for as many people as possible to listen to the forest.

Environmental Conservation Forestry