2024 | Serbia | Experimental

Mormoverse: Under The Pillow

  • - - 0 mins
  • Director | Georgy Molodtsov
  • Writer | Georgy Molodtsov
  • Producer | Georgy Molodtsov, Mitry Sorkin

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Join kitten Mormitten on his adventures in Under the Pillow, a new magical world in VRChat! Every night Mormitten travels inside an old couch to find the lost treasures of Yulia and Gosha, the two siblings who created him. Journey into his magical world and follow the story written by the creator's father over 30 years ago. Various adaptations were created since then – an animated film, a VR game and now also a narrative world in VRChat.

Fantasy VR Exploration Adventure Magical World Travel Lost Treasure VR Chat Game Siblings Animation Experimental