2023 | France | Documentary

Mongolia, Valley of the Bears

  • French, English English, Estonian 90 mins
  • Director | Hamid Sardar
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Muriel Barra, Jean Jacques Torre, Antoine Gannac

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

The Taiga, also known as the boreal forest, represents about 17% of the Earth's surface and has the highest density of rivers and natural springs in the world. In Mongolia, its primary forests and pure waters have kept an entire population nomadic on its lands for thousands of years.

But for more than 30 years, the rich natural resources of these Mongolian lands have fallen prey to illegal hunters and miners, often from the local population. In just a few years, the country has witnessed an alarming collapse of its biodiversity. Faced with this worrying situation, the Mongolian Ministry of Environment created the "Red Taiga" Park in 2012, at the head of which it appointed ranger Jal Tumursukh.

The mission of this former local hunter is now to enforce the law of environmental protection. A very delicate mission for a just cause to which the chief ranger is trying to rally more and more forest guards from the disgruntled local communities.

Exploration Inspiration Journey Exploration