2024 | Brazil | Fiction

Minha mãe é uma vaca (My mother is a cow)

  • Portuguese - 15 mins
  • Director | Moara Passoni
  • Writer | Fernanda Frotté, Moara Passoni
  • Producer | Sofia Geld

STATUS: Post-Production

This film is currently not available.   

I also could never make this or any of my films without my mom. My mom is the most amazing human being I know. Mothers for me are women with the kind of disruptive/transformative/fierce love that only they and the Gods/Goddesses are capable of.

This is also the kind of love that is at the heart of our film, and that I hope we will share with our audiences. ~Moara Passoni

Love Mothers Mother's Love Kind Love Parents Transformative Heart Audiences Women Disruptive Transformative Fierce God Goddesses