2023 | France | Documentary

Meandry aneb vymyšlená řeka (Meanders or the Invented River)

  • - - 73 mins
  • Director | Émilien De Bortoli, Marie Lusson
  • Writer | Émilien De Bortoli, Marie Lusson
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

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A group of friends go out on the water in the middle of summer. They float slowly, with the curiosity of a scientist and the sensitivity of an artist. And during their raft trip, the truth about the state of rivers and their relationship with man comes to the surface. We depend on water and need it to live, but what is the nature of the connection between us and the sources of this life-giving fluid? What do we really know about rivers, how we approach them and how we change them? Our approach to nature is influenced by a number of factors and in many places we have irreversibly damaged rivers. But just as people can change themselves by reflecting, so can rivers. And so, thanks to the restored meanders, colonies of crustaceans, small insects and many other organisms can return to the rivers where they could not live due to human intervention in the form of river bed modifications.

Environmental Nature Ecology Conservation Waterways