2024 | brazil |

Mangrove memory

  • Tupi 90 mins
  • Director | Giulia Grossmann
  • Writer | Giulia Grossmann & Pedro Junger
  • Producer | Giulia Grossmann

STATUS: Development

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As part of the France/Brazil Year, the Federal University of Natal is organizing a series of conferences bringing together Brazilian and French researchers (linguists, ecologists, anthropologists) to discuss the mangrove as a bastion of indigenous memory and a major ecological issue of our time. A specialist in mythology is also invited, whose legends plunge the viewer into the heart of the mangrove.

At the same time, in a Potiguara village close to the Mamanguape mangrove, the community gathers to bequeath emblematic Potiguara objects that will leave Baía da Traição and be brought to the new museum at the Old Portuguese Fort of the Magi, located at the mouth of the Rio Grande. Aboard their boat, Iran and Darwin sail along the wild shores of Baía da Traição, revealing a territory marked by struggles for indigenous, linguistic and ecological preservation. The objects will be integrated into the museum as soon as they arrive at the Fort. During their journey, they meet ecologists working to restore the mangroves, crab fishermen and communities of women engaged in shellfishing. 

mangrove brazil ecosystem resistance France Brazil researcher anthropologist ecological mythology territory shore