2018 | France | Documentary

Mai 68, La Science S’affiche

  • French - 40 mins
  • Director | Guillaume Darras, Cédric Piktoroff, Baudouin Koenig
  • Writer | Guillaume Darras, Cédric Piktoroff, Baudouin Koenig
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

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May 1968 set French society into turmoil. On every street corner, everywhere, protests fuel conversations, motivate occupations, and cover the walls. Within the scientific community, people also begin to dream, protest, and reinvent their practices: universities are blocked, hospitals go on strike, psychiatric practices are denounced. In laboratories, the "mandarins" are challenged, while others sing, "Do you know the animal that invented integral calculus?"

1968 French Protests Social Revolution Scientific Community University Strikes Occupations Political Turmoil Cultural Change Historical Drama Activism Social Commentary