2024 | Japan | Experimental

Magnetize (2024)

  • - - 0 mins
  • Director | Juice…, DeltaNeverUsed
  • Writer | Juice…
  • Producer | Juice…, DeltaNeverUsed

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

The air is thick with the scent of mothballs and old books․ Sparse trinkets and treasures fill shelves and the old TV emits a familiar tone․ You trace wires down to a game console then notice a comically oversized magnet sitting nearby․ No doubt part of an old science kit․ That TV needs to be replaced anyway‚ why not have some photoelectric fun while you're here?

Nostalgic Retro Interactive Experience Vintage Exploration Science Air Scent Mothballs Old Books Treasure Game Console Science Kit Photoelectric Fun