2024 | Sudan | Documentary


  • Arabic English 75 mins
  • Director | Mohamed Subahi
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Florian Schewe

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Sudanese youths, under siege from their own government, mobilise virtually and embark on the non-violent protests that eventually oust the sitting president. Madaniya draws you into this world, witnessed from the perspective of community organisers and the images they record. Wishing to rebuild their lives and communities, the people at the heart of the uprising clamour for ‘freedom, peace and justice’ and, most importantly, ‘Madaniyaaaaaaaa!’: a civilian state. The film shows how violence and grief prompted calls and action for hope and peace. A tepid agreement to transition to civilian rule signifies little as violence continues; the protestors’ hopes and their resilience is further tested by different armed groups violently jostling for power. But Madaniya remains their goal.

Sudanese Youth Siege Protests Rebuild Freedom Peace Justice