2022 | Switzerland | Fiction

Mad Heidi (2022)

  • English - 92 mins
  • Director | Johannes Hartmann, Sandro Klopfstein
  • Writer | Sandro Klopfstein, Johannes Hartmann, Gregory Widmer, Trent Haaga
  • Producer | Valentin Greutert

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

From the producer of Iron Sky, an action adventure horror comedy and the first Swissploitation film ever made. In a dystopian Switzerland under the rule of a fascist cheese magnate, Heidi lives a simple life in the mountains protected by her grandfather. Soon her longing for personal freedom sparks a revolution after abduction by brutal government storm troopers. Escaping prison, and the roving eyes of muscle bound inmates, the naïve Alpine girl must face lactose intolerance, mutilation by Toblerone, Swiss Army knives out, fondue torture and cuckoo clock death traps, battling a human cheese-fuelled machinery of hate.

Grindhouse Action Satire Dystopia Swiss Cinema