2024 | Switzerland, NetherlandsĀ  | Experimental

looking she said I forget

  • French, English, Dutch, Spanish - 24 mins
  • Director | Naomi Pacifique
  • Writer | Naomi Pacifique
  • Producer | Rafael Manuel, Albert Kuhn, Yan Decoppet, Gabriela Bussmann, Naomi Pacifique, Adela Bottcher, Thea Spiri, Barbara Krantz

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Tonight, Naomi’s long-term partner reveals to her that he will return to monogamy with one of his recent connections. Confronted with the harsher realisites of non-monogamy, Naomi heads out to the streets of Amsterdam for a night of diverse intimacies, to remember why it is that she committed to this kind of relationship structure in the first place. And as she looks, listens and talks her way through the city’s cobbled streets, is the night getting longer, or is it just the lights from people’s windows making slow conversation with the moon.

Drama Romance Urban Exploration Partner Monogamy Connection Conversation Moon Streets Relationship Structure Amsterdam