2024 | Czech Republic | Documentary

Let Us Connect Yesterday: The Resilient Society

  • - - 109 mins
  • Director | Vladimír Turner
  • Writer | Miřenka Čechová, Vladimír Turner
  • Producer | Vladimír Turner

STATUS: In Distribution

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The word crisis appears in various contexts today. Environmental, energy, housing—how do these crises relate to each other and how to face them?

In the context of multilayered crises we go through, the term social resilience becomes increasingly relevant—it urges us to think about the current state of society and its abilities to defend itself against crises. The screening of Let Us Connect Yesterday and panel discussion presents the essence of current crises and introduces the contexts of social resilience in the 21st century. Join Anna Bromová, researcher of socio-economic resilience, and Anna Kárníková, director of The Rainbow Movement.

Crisis Environmental Energy Housing