2024 | Sao Tome and Principe, Brazil, Portugal, Guinea-Bissau | Fiction,Short

Latitude Fénix (Angular Phoenix)

  • Portuguese 15 mins
  • Director | Welket Bungué
  • Writer | Welket Bungué, Ângelo Torres, Raquel Lima
  • Producer | Welket Bungué, Enerlid Franca

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Angular Phoenix proposes a speculative meeting between the Baron of Água Izé, the first nobleman in the Portuguese colonies of the 1800s who was of mixed European and African ancestry, and Maria Correia, the Black Princess of Príncipe Island in the 1700s. Reanimating them through the bodies of contemporary artists, the film uses dance, poetry and music to weave profound threads between the past and the present. Transcending space, time and language, their encounter wrestles with questions of culpability, power and the exploitation of both land and Black bodies.

Nobleman Portuguese Colony Black Princess Island Culpability Power