2024 | Switzerland, Italy | Fiction

La prodigiosa trasformazione della classe operaia in stranieri (The Miraculous Transformation of the Working Class Into Foreigners)

  • Italian, French, German - 140 mins
  • Director | Samir
  • Writer | Samir
  • Producer | Levin Vieth

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

For over a hundred years, the Social Democratic Party and trade unions shaped a Swiss working-class culture based on solidarity. A culture that collapsed in just one decade during the 1970s. Today, there are no more "workers". Today, worker means "foreigner". Documentary essay by Samir, then a migrant boy in the working-class town of Dübendorf near Zurich.

Social Change Immigration Labor Documentary Society Culture Solidarity Trade Unions Swiss Social Democratic Party Worker Essay Migrant Boy