During the French capitulation of 1940, a French infantryman took his own life in the Vosges village of Housseras. Four years later, he was identified as "Soldier Döblin, Vincent." However, his true identity, life, and story would only be uncovered much later. Wolfgang Döblin, a mathematician, was the son of writer Alfred Döblin (Berlin Alexanderplatz), who, as a Jewish anti-Nazi, had fled Germany with his family in 1933. Naturalized in 1936, Wolfgang Döblin continued his research on "random movements" in probability theory during his military service and the "Phoney War." His final manuscripts (On Kolmogorov’s Equation) were sent as a sealed document to the French Academy of Sciences in February 1940 and were not studied until 2000. His groundbreaking work, far ahead of its time, places him among the great innovators of modern probability theory, the "mathematics of chance."