2023 | USA | Experimental

Konstantin (2023)

  • - - 3 mins
  • Director | Hogan Seidel
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Konstantin is an experimental film shot on high-contrast black and white 16mm film using a single 100ft reel. The film is an in-camera edit with triple exposures, creating a layered and complex visual language. Through this aesthetic, the piece explores themes of queer love and queer ecology. It invites the viewer to enter a unique and poetic world, where the boundaries between the human and natural realms blur and merge. Pushing against human exceptionalism & into a world where there is no ‘natural’ or ‘unnatural.’

Experimental Black and White 16mm Film Triple Exposures Visual Poetry Artistic Expression