2015 | France | Documentary

Konec paměti? (The End of Memory?)

  • French - 52 mins
  • Director | Vincent Amouroux
  • Writer | Vincent Amouroux, Elena Sender
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

The documentary from a German-French co-production addresses uncompromising questions regarding the backup of our existence and memory, from which we will be able to hunt for memories even after at least another 300 years. If we stacked individual DVD discs with the encoded history of our existence, we would at least reach the surface of the moon. However, DVD is no longer the most reliable medium on which to back up company data for future generations. Some of the backup technologies haven't existed for a few years, or we don't have up-to-date devices to read them. Who remembers floppy disk or VHS nowadays? Some organizations therefore prefer to bet on the safe side and back up indispensable information as in the "old days", on a sheet of paper with long-lasting ink.

Technology Archiving Memory