2023 | India | Fiction

Kayo Kayo Colour? (Which Color?)

  • Hindi, Gujarati English 96 mins
  • Director | Shahrukhkhan Chavada
  • Writer | Shahrukhkhan Chavada
  • Producer | Wafa Refai, Shahrukhkhan Chavada

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Set in Kalupur, a neighbourhood in the old city of Ahmedabad, India, this slice of life film follows he daily life of Razzak and his family through an observational lens. Razzak, an une,ployed father of two, endeavours to own an auto-richshaw for business while his daughter, RUba, is introduced to an interesting drink worth 100 rupees that she can't afford. Through a series of everyday events, the film uncovers the fa,ily's struggles, interpersonal conflicts, joys, and ways of life as they navigate through the intertwined yet unassuming layers of social and political influence. The family is caught off guard as an unexpected move threates their fate and alters life as they know it.

Everyday Life Journey Work First Feature Film Family neighborhood political struggle influence family