2020 | Denmark | Documentary

Kampaň Proti Klimatu (The Campaign Against The Climate)

  • English English 52 mins
  • Director | Mads Ellesøe
  • Writer | Mads Ellesøe
  • Producer | Steen Jensen, Sidsel Marie Jacobsen

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

This gripping investigative documentary uncovers the web of lobby- ists and secret climate sceptics. Hiding behind distorted facts, they have shaped the public opinion on global warming and crushed sci- entists in TV debates. It is unsurprising that these communication specialists were indirectly co-financed by oil companies. For some of the elites, the rescue or collapse of our planet's biosphere is only a power play. The deniers have won this battle for public opinion, but the climate war is not over.

Documentary Climate Change Environmental Policy Oil Industry Disinformation