2024 | Serbia, USA  | Experimental

Kada je zazvonio telefon (When the Phone Rang)

  • Serbo-Croatian, English - 73 mins
  • Director | Iva Radivojević
  • Writer | Iva Radivojević
  • Producer | Andrijana Sofranić Šućur, Marija Stojnić, Iva Radivojević, Madeleine Molyneaux

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Through an intimate reconstruction of an important phone call, When The Phone Rang investigates dislocation and the nature of remembering. In the protagonist's eleven year old mind the phone call erases her entire country, history, and identity and hides its existence in books, films and memories of those born before 1995.

Existential Crisis Memory Identity Cultural Reconstruction phone call investigates dislocation protagonist country history identity books films memories