1953 | USA | Fiction

Invaders from Mars (1953)

  • English English 78 mins
  • Director | William Cameron Menzies
  • Writer | Richard Blake
  • Producer | Edward L. Alperson

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Things to Come (1939) genius William Cameron Menzies’ last film as a director is a haunting tale of extra-terrestrial paranoia, which achieves a brilliantly allegorical, nightmarish quality as an alien invasion is seen through the eyes of a child. When little David MacLean sees a flying saucer land outside his bedroom window, no one will believe him, explaining it away as an over-active imagination. But every adult who investigates turns into a radio-controlled menace in this iconic classic Martian fable about Earth’s enslavement to an intergalactic threat, perfectly capturing the isolation and mistrustfulness of youth.

science fiction classic alien invasion paranoia extraterrestrial childhood perspective 1950s sci-fi