1974 | United States, Vietnam | Documentary

Introduction to the Enemy

  • English - 60 mins
  • Director | Haskell Wexler
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Jane fonda, Tom Hayden and Haskell Wexler made a journey, in Sping of '74, from Hanoi to Quang Tri. There live poets and soldiers, doctors and peasants, artists and workers. all of them people who have to reconstruct their houses which have been bombed, first by the French and later by the Americans. This collection of people is the anonymous enemy that is talked about in the USA during the war in Vietnam. Introduction to the Enemy performs the task of revealing their faces.

Vietnam War Anti-war Jane Fonda Tom Hayden Vietnam 1970s Human impact Activism Documentary War effects