2019 | Netherlands | Documentary

Insect Guardian – Butterfly Paradise

  • Dutch English 6 mins
  • Director | Tim Visser, Sander van Iersel
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

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Back in 1980, Willem bought a remote potato farm and transformed it into a butterfly paradise. He has worked the land with shovel and scythe for almost 40 years in order to preserve the butterflies. Willem’s paradise has become one of the most important habitats in the region for these fluttering beauties, but there is a problem. Due to an overload of nitrogen in the air, a monoculture of grass slowly drives away this flower-rich butterfly paradise. Butterflies that used to be common just a few decades ago are rare these days, or have completely disappeared.

Butterfly Conservation Habitat Restoration Environmental Documentary Netherlands Biodiversity