2024 | India, Netherlands, Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom | Documentary

Inquilab Di Kheti (Farming the Revolution)

  • Hindi, Punjabi English 86 mins
  • Director | Nishtha Jain
  • Writer | Nishtha Jain, Deborah Matzner, Valérie Montmartin
  • Producer | Nishtha Jain, Valérie Montmartin

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Amidst COVID lockdowns, India’s farmers rise up on an unprecedented scale against unjust new laws. Over half a million protesters—men and women from all generations, religions, classes and castes—gather and reinvent co-existence while winning a rare victory over the state.

COVID Lockdowns Unjust Laws Protesters Coexistence Solidarity Rare Victory State Farmer India Reinvent