2013 | Czech Republic | Documentary

Incredible Universe

  • English - 25 mins
  • Director | Pavel Gabzdyl, Jan Pišala
  • Writer | Pavel Gabzdyl, Jan Pišala
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Despite the fact that the universe has always been with us, we still know very little about it. Space research is not that simple at all. This year you will have the opportunity to look at him up close, as if he were directly above you. For example, we know that space is extremely cold and completely dark, or that it is incredibly vast, perhaps infinite. Space exploration is constantly bringing us new knowledge and discovering something so amazing that it never ceases to amaze us. The film produced by the observatory of the Brno planetarium accompanies the educational information with breathtaking shots of the universe in the so-called full-dome format, which surround the viewer during the projection. Join us on a discovery and immersive journey through space.

Space Exploration Astronomy Educational