2022 | Hungary | Documentary

I Miss You, Marius

  • Danish, English English 30 mins
  • Director | Péter Becz
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Péter Becz

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Abdi Hedayat, the conservator of the Natural History Museum of Copenhagen routinely performs public dissections on animals. Scared, excited, nervous and smiling faces of children watch as Abdi cuts, skins and gutls. An antarctic wolf, a python and a sumatran tiger loose their skins and fur. Animals transform from flesh and blood into scientific artifacts in front the eyes of children. We gain insight into a strange and bizarre scientific ritual. The same taboo challenging tradition that made the young giraffe of the Copanhagen Zoo, Marius famous all around the world. I Miss You, Marius, a meditative, optimistic and humanistic film chasing the ghost of a dead giraffe uncovers the relation between the modern human and nature and how we pass that relation to the next generation. Is there any place left for innocence if exposed to the answers of science too early?

Museum Animals Giraffe Science Nature