1981 | USA | Experimental

Hot Pink (1981)

  • English - 3 mins
  • Director | Connie Coleman, Alan Powell
  • Writer | Connie Coleman, Alan Powell
  • Producer | Connie Coleman, Alan Powell

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Hot Pink was produced in 1981 at the Experimental TV Center in Owego, NY and post produced at WXXI television the same year. Connie Coleman and I went that particular residency to completely focus on learning the computer interface to the Experimental Television Center analog video system. Quickly the computer crashed and we left to own devices to improvise with live cameras and analog synthesizers. The piece is constructed by an oscillator driving four B&W video cameras through a Jones video sequencer, Jones Keyer, and Jones colorizer. The cameras were focused on close ups of Connie Coleman’s and Alan Powell’s mouth. For three to five minutes we blew kisses back and forth. The keyers put various combination of keys putting one mouth inside of the other. The video was bathed in various shades of highly saturated pink. At WXXI we speeded up the ending and added a still frame to variation in the rhythm. The piece has been in numerous video festivals and museum shows including the ETC archive video collection. The video has been censored numerous times because the gatekeepers can’t figure out what they are seeing.

Experimental Film Analog Video Art Visual Improvisation Video Synthesizers 1980s Media Art