2019 | United States | Documentary

Hidden Rivers (2019)

  • English - 56 mins
  • Director | Jeremy Monroe, David Herasimtschuk
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Jeremy Monroe, David Herasimtschuk

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

A mother grizzly raises what could be her last pair of cubs. A desperate lone wolf searches for a new family to call his own. An elusive mountain lion waits for the cover of night to catch her prey. Years ago, stories of carnivores in Yellowstone were few and far between, but recently the predators have made a huge comeback. They play a critical role in keeping Yellowstone in balance, but what does it take to survive, protect your turf, and raise young, all while trying to stay at the top of the food chain?

Documentary Freshwater Ecosystems Conservation Biodiversity Southern Appalachia