2024 | Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Documentary

Hassanovi Ratovi

  • Croatian, Arabic English 87 mins
  • Director | Robert Bubalo
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Mario Vukadin

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Hassan is a successful journalist who lives in Zagreb. But he is tormented by his past, the wars he went through as a boy and the scars of lost loved ones and years. He returns to his native Beirut, to his Sabra neighborhood, where he unravels the past. While meeting his comrades, and in meetings with his brothers and sisters, he puts together forgotten images of his own past and recalls how as a boy he joined the PLO, fought in the city streets of Beirut and dreamed of how his comrades would celebrate his heroic death. While the camera creeps into the most hidden corners of Shatila, a Palestinian camp in the heart of Beirut that cannot be entered without an armed escort, part of the film crew disappears in Rehab, a part controlled by drug gangs and former ISIL members, and it itself faces all the possible challenges of this turbulent world

War Documentary Lebanon Child soldier Personal journey Resilience Transformation War impact Journalist Beirut